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Friday, December 13, 2013

4A's style is surely the teacher's Ace

            I learned today the 4A's experiential learning cycle; Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application. If some educators are tired and bored using HBLT (hook-book-look-took), W7 (who-why-what for-what-when-where-how) and the Ubd (understanding by design) here's another way to design your lesson plan in a creative way and yet the learning-process is really from the beginning part until the end of the class. 
            This 4A's style that i am mentioning will be the ace of the teachers in their teaching. What do i mean by ace is that the teacher is surely able to meet the desired objectives using the template of 4A's from the activity, analysis, abstraction, and application in facilitating learning all through out the class session. But of course be reminded as well that teachers should be equip in using this style or else it will not be effective. The consideration of methodology in each A's is very important!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It is good we know a number of ways in making lesson plans. But I hope we are using them properly :) Just a thought... and a happy Christmas to all

  2. Thank you Robelyn for this. Now that we know about these methods, let us then incorporate them into our own and use them properly, just as our friend here mentioned. Perhaps we could also develop a mixture of these styles - a more contextualized method, what do you think?

  3. You are right Robelyn, using the 4A's demands a teacher to be equipped. Just a thought, to be equipped needed a lot of "trys". Teaching involves "trial and error" and I think it is important also for teachers to be open for evaluation. This will help them improve and to change their teaching styles if needed--:)

  4. Hi! I have been looking for more information about 4A's for about 2 months now. Unfortunately, there's no exact literature on the net. I need the infos for my thesis. Would you know the author of this 4a's? Where can I possibly get infos about this? I hope you could help me. Thank you very much!

    1. hi sir! may i know if you already know any literature for 4A's? i have been looking for it also and there is none in the net that i can find. if you already did please lemme know. thank you so much. :)
